
Our work

Political advocacy

Political Advocacy

The national board and the Secretary General have extensive meetings with public authorities. Meetings are held with relevant ministers, state secretaries, members of parliament from various committees, and relevant local authorities. These meetings have resulted in a broader understanding of the value of our work and acceptance that we have evolved as an organization into a resource and competence center.
The advocacy work is related to specific issues, such as efforts to establish a National Disaster Register, highlighting the psychosocial and economic consequences of the July 22 terror attack that affected and continues to affect individuals. We also provide input in various hearings from ministries and parliamentary committees related to the state budget.
Several board members and the Secretary General give lectures in various contexts and participate in various debates, both nationally and internationally.
Møte med Helse- og omsorgsminister Ingvild Kjerkhol.
Styreleder Lisbeth Røyneland, Ingvild Kjerkhol, styremedlem Miriam Einangshaug, styremedlem Merete Stamneshagen og Generalsekretær Gro Lindstad.
Meeting with Minister of Health and Care Services Ingvild Kjerkhol
Chair Lisbeth Røyneland, Ingvild Kjerkhol, board member Miriam Einangshaug, board member Merete Stamneshagen, and Secretary General Gro Lindstad.