Never be silent – ​​never forget!

The National Support Group

The National Support Group after July 22 was established in Oslo on August 21, 2011, to promote the interests of those affected by the bombing of the Government Quarter and the shooting at Utøya. The terrorist attacks on July 22 affected a vast number of people, and municipalities across the country were impacted. The support group is open to everyone affected in various ways; those who were in and around the Government Quarter or at AUF’s summer camp on Utøya, their families and close relations, and those who were involved in or affected by the events in other ways. The support group offers a network and contact with others who have been affected in the same way as you.
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1. Who can become a member of the Support Group after 22. of July?
Anyone who considers themselves affected by the terror on July 22nd 2011 is more than welcome to become a member of the Support Group.
2. What does the Support Group after 22. of July do?
The most important area of work for the Support Group is to provide peer support to our members. Additionally, we work with various partners both nationally and internationally to promote the interests of our members and to put the fight against extremism on the agenda.
3. How do you become a member of the Support Group?
It's great to hear that you are considering becoming a member! You can learn more and become a member by clicking on become a member.
4. I am personally affected by the terror on July 22. Can my family also become members of the Support Group?
Absolutely. Our experience is that family members of those directly affected can also benefit greatly from being a member of the Support Group. Working actively with psychosocial aspects related to family relationships is becoming increasingly important in order to provide relevant peer support to our members. We also organize conferences for siblings of those directly affected, among other things.
5. Who does the Support Group collaborate with?
The Support Group collaborates extensively with partners both nationally and internationally. Here by clicking this link you can read more about them. Collaborative Partnerships
6. Does the Support Group have regional chapters across the entire country of Norway?
The Support Group has nine regional chapters across the country. You can read more about the different chapters by clicking on "regional chapters" in the menu.
7. The terror attack on July 22 happened 13 years ago. Is there still a need for a Support Group?
Our answer to this is unequivocally “Yes!”. All studies conducted on survivors, the bereaved, and relatives show a great need for processing and peer support. Norway has never experienced a terrorist attack of similar magnitude in peacetime, and we see that its consequences still affect many people. At the same time, we continually see that extremism has a foothold both nationally and internationally, and we view our involuntary expertise as a crucial element in the work to strengthen support for democracy and human rights.
8. I am affected by the terror attack on July 22nd. Where can I reach out to get the support that I need?
Thank you for reaching out! You can read more about the different support programs here. You can also reach out directly to our general secretary Gro Lindstad by sending an e-mail to the following address: